Monthly Archives: July 2016
Upcoming Events, Colleen Houck to visit Salt Lake Comic Con September 2016
Salt Lake City, Utah What: Salt Lake Comic Con When: Tuesday, September 1- Sunday, September 3rd Where: Salt Palace Convention Center There will be shopping, meet the authors/actors, panels, and dress up! Check out the saltlakecomicon website for more information and to get tickets. More details to come closer to the event so stay tuned!
August Book Club and July Chat Winner
A huge thanks to all who participated in the Goodreads chat during the month of July. The topic was with the featured author of the month, Renee Ahdieh. As promised, one lucky participant is randomly chosen to win each month. What is in this month’s prize package? The winner will receive a copy of Renee’s The Rose & The Dagger as well as one of Colleen Houck’s books of their choice (Tiger’s Curse, Tiger’s Quest, Tiger’s Voyage, Tiger’s Destiny, Tiger’s Promise, or Reawakened). And. . . the winner is Kylie Benavides Congrats! Now, it’s time to announce our August featured book of …
August Contest
August marks the end of summer with goodbyes to lazy afternoons by the pool side and beach vacations but that doesn’t mean you have to give up those precious reading moments where we can escape into the pages of a world apart from our own. And of course for those who haven’t had summer getaways, reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. This month marks the exciting new release of RECREATED, the sequel to REAWAKENED! I don’t know about you but this is a very long awaited moment and to celebrate we are running a contest …
Winner of Picture Yourself Reading Contest of the Month
For those of you who are dying to get their hands on the next Colleen Houck book in her latest Egyptian series, we gave you all another chance to win an ADVANCED READERS COPY of RECREATED, the sequel to REAWAKENED, and not just one book but THREE FREE BOOKS (two surprise fun reads). You ready to see who won? And the winner is . . . Milena Mutter Here are some other fun readers who participated!
Spring & Summer Makeup
Lots of Color The Spring & Summer is the perfect time to play with new and vibrant colors you wouldn’t dream of during the frosty months of the year. With new movies like Disney’s “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” you can feel your inner makeup artist bubbling with new fun ideas. Rich colors highlight your eyes, and vibrant lip glosses and lipsticks rival even the ripest juiciest berries. Cosmetic companies create colorful pallets that illuminate our ideas. You don’t need to be a hero to enjoy a smokey purple eye shadow. Just look at Maleficent! …
Recreated Blog Tour
I can’t believe it, Recreated will be on your doorstep (if you pre-ordered it) or potentially in your hands if you go to the store and pick it up in person in LESS THAN 30 DAYS! To build up the excitement, Colleen will be the featured author on several blogger websites where she will reveal 5 SNEAK PEEKS, TOP 10 Recreated Video, fun trivia, up close and personal interviews and more! The straight facts: The Blog Tour runs July 19 – August 11 and you won’t want to miss it! There will be PRIZE GIVEAWAYS during the tour (5 Book …
Duat: Tour of the Egyptian Afterlife
Tour of Duat Welcome to the afterlife, or as us Egyptians like to call it Duat. The first stop on our tour is the burial grounds. Here you will find what ever treasures you were buried with. This could include some very helpful instruction books to guide you in your afterlife, so keep them close. Duat is the place you go after death and is also home to the gods with its turquoise trees and beautiful landscape. It looks very similar to Egypt with its rivers and sand dunes but, it has a lake of fire and huge imposing walls …
July Colleen Houck Book Club & June Chat Winner Announced
A huge thanks to all who participated in the Goodreads chat during the month of June. The topic was with the featured author of the month, Amy Christine Parker. As promised, one lucky participant is randomly chosen to win each month. What is in this month’s prize package? The winner will receive a copy of Amy Christine Parker’s Smash & Grab upon release as well as one of Colleen Houck’s books of their choice (Tiger’s Curse, Tiger’s Quest, Tiger’s Voyage, Tiger’s Destiny, Tiger’s Promise, or Reawakened). And. . . the winner is Kate Pierson Congrats! Now, it’s time to announce our …
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