Very, Very Good News – Very, Very Bad News
May 18, 2010
Originally written on May 18, 2010 by Colleen Houck
Hi Everybody,
I have very very good news and very very bad news. I’ll go with semi-bad news first. There will not be a tiger expert with a tiger coming to the Tiger Tour after all. Hopefully, you’ll all still come out and hang out with me and eat BBQ and chocolate cake. We’ll be doing lots of giveaways through the day and will still have lots of fun.
Now for the very very good news. I have an agent! Whoo Hoo! He’s a great guy who works for Trident Media Group which is a reputable New York company. His name is Alex and he is making lots of big plans for the series.
The bad news is that I’m actually pretty sick. I already went to the hospital a couple of times and I’ve had to do some testing; the doctors are not completely sure what’s wrong with me yet. Fortunately I have Life Insurance Perth so I’m covered for all this they’re doing. I would have much worse news for you readers if that wasn’t case. Most of you are here in US as well so I know I don’t have to tell you what I mean. In the meantime don’t let it worry you too much, they don’t think it’s anything too serious. Hopefully it doesn’t mean I have to push back the event… I’ll try really hard to get better so that won’t be the case.
The very very bad news is that to really be able to sell the series, I need a completed unpublished manuscript and since I only have one book that fits that criteria, we’ve decided to pull Voyage so he can use it to sell the series. I’m so sorry! I know there is a huge group of you that have been waiting patiently, watching the minutes tick by as the month of May draws to an end. I really feel for you and I asked if it was absolutely necessary. He said the odds of selling the books are much much better if he has one that hasn’t been on the market.
This is a giant step ahead for me on my author journey and I appreciate all the support and help you’ve given me these many months. I would never have captured his attention if not for your persistent support. In the long run the books will be on the shelves to be enjoyed by more people and the prices will drop significantly. I’ll be able to focus one hundred percent of my time on writing and I’d be able to get out more and meet more fans in places other than Oregon. Curse and Quest will still be on the market while he’s shopping them out to publishers but once I sign a contract they’ll all be pulled off the market. The books you have will be considered collector’s items and the covers and designs of the books will likely be redone by the publishing house. It’s also probable that the books will go through more edits and revisions during that process. As soon as the final touches on the current hardbacks are done. I will buy up a lot of copies to sell on my website for those of you who want to be tiger collectors.
If you haven’t been able to sign up for my newsletter on my website, contact Jared at so he can add you to the account.
With many thanks, profound gratitude, and the deepest of apologies,
Colleen –
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