Tiger’s Quest Study Guide
January 14, 2014
Study Guide Questions for Tiger’s Quest
1) In the first chapter, Kelsey expresses her feelings about being in Oregon. What are the geographical/cultural differences between Oregon and India and which one feels more like home to her? How would you feel about living in a different country?
2) Ren wanted to learn modern courtship rituals so he could properly woo Kelsey. How did he compare with her other dates?
3) Ren gives Kelsey gifts through the series. I believe a good gift should be pretty, punctual, sometimes practical, but above all personal. How do Ren’s gifts reflect that?
4) How is poetry used in this book?
5) The Divine Weaver said the Scarf is designed to do three things. Can you name them? What is the first thing you would do with the Divine Scarf?
6) Kelsey practices with her power so she won’t have to kill anyone. Should she be worried about killing bad guys? Why or why not?
7) What was the purpose of the Ocean Teacher? How did he help?
8) Which of the four houses would have been the hardest for you and why?
9) How are Ren and Kishan different? How are they the same?
10) Where do you think Kelsey’s lightning power comes from?
11) When an Indian girl became interested in Ren, Kelsey learned her relationship was considered inappropriate in Indian culture. How do you feel about the idea of arranged marriages and dating outside of your culture? What are the pros and cons?
12) What was the worst date you’ve ever been on?
13) Which brother would you choose and why?
14) How does Kelsey change in this book?
15) What do Kishan and Kelsey see in the Grove of Dreams? What clues about the future can you predict from this?
16) If you had to choose between Kishkindha and Shangri-la, which mythical city would you prefer to have an adventure in and why?
17) Why do you think Ren lost his memory?
18) What happened during the birthday party that made Kelsey feel bad? Do you think she was overreacting?
19) The theme of the Tiger series is that true love requires sacrifice. What examples can you list from the book that shows this? What are some examples from your own life that proves this is true?
20) What examples of foreshadowing can you find in this book?
This entry was posted in Bonus Material, Tiger's Quest.
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