Tiger’s Voyage Contest Winner
June 2, 2014
To celebrate the release of TIGER’S VOYAGE in paperback, we are offering up five autographed copies! Tiger’s Voyage has never been in paperback before now.
To enter we asked you to answer the following question, if you could step into the world of Houck’s Tiger’s Curse series, which book would you choose and why?
We love reading through the comments and seeing what some of your favorite moments in the tigers’ journey.
Here is what our winners had to say.
All of the books have great worlds, but I would have to go with is Tiger’s Voyage. I would want to go into Voyage because of the dragons and the adventures that the characters go through. With Voyage, I would get to punch Randi in the face. I mean, i’m not violent, but she is super annoying and got on my nerves so much. Nevertheless I really like the challenges the dragons set forth. The one that sticks in my mind really well is when Kells, Kishan, and Ren went scuba diving. That would be really fun- minus the kraken. (Maddie M.)
I want to start off saying how much I love All of the Tiger’s Curse books. If I could step into the world of any of the Tiger’s Curse Books, I would pick Tiger’s Voyage. This book is so fascinating and keep me on the edge of my seat the entire time, to actually be in the story along with Kelsey, Ren, Kishan, Mr. Kadam and Nilima would be to die for and the experience of a lifetime. To find out first hand what is going to happen next would be so awesome. Is Ren going to remember Kelsey? Her heartbreak knowing Ren forgot her on purpose!? Can she move on after her first love? The fact that Kishan is falling in love with her? Can she make a life with Kishan? And it seems that Ren is starting to fall in love with Kelsey all over again!!! Is Kishan going go get his “Happily Ever After”? How does Kelsey handle Ren moving on with another woman? Are they going to be able to finish the last 2 quests and break the curse? Who wouldn’t want to step into this book is what I want to know!! But most of all, the main reason I would love to step into this book is because of Kishan’s heartfelt proclamation of love to Kelsey. I haven’t ever read or heard something so beautiful in my life to be apart of that is enough to make any woman swoon. (Kishan and Kelsey’s conversation during their date on the yacht)- “Maybe it’s what that idiot bird did to me in Shangri-la, butI’ve been able to see more clearly since then-not only about my past and about Yesubai, but also about you, about my future. I knew that I wouldn’t be alone forever. I saw that in the Grove of Dreams. And after that, I could see that you loved ME too. But I rushed it. I pushed you. Then HE came home and despite everything, you still wanted him. Maybe that won’t go away. Maybe you’ll always feel that connection with him.” I made a sound, and he touched a finger to my lips. “No. It’s okay. I understand it now. I wasn’t really ready to be in a relationship then. i didn’t have anything to give, anything to offer. Not to a woman of this time. But Shangri-la gave me something more valuable than six more hours a day as a man. It gave me hope. A reason to believe. So I waited. I learned how to be patient. I learned how to live in this century. And now…most importantly, I think I’ve finally learned what it means to love someone.” Kishan lifted a finger and trailed it from my forehead to my chin, tilting my face to look into his eyes. “So I suppose the only question remaining, Kelsey, is…are my feelings echoed in your heart? Do you feel even a small part of what I feel for you? Is there a piece of you that you can reserve for me? That I can name mine? That I can lay claim to and keep forever? I promise you that I will cherish it. And I will guard it jealously all of my days.” Kishan’s hands squeezed my waist, and he dropped his forehead to touch it to mine. “Does your heart beat for me at all, love?” I pressed my hands against his face as a tear slipped down my cheek. After only a tiny pause, I assured him, “Of course it does. I won’t let you be alone ever again. I love you too, Kishan.” -Colleen Houck is a genius. I just died and went to heaven!!! And that is why I would step into Tiger’s Voyage if I could. <3 (Dannielle L)
I would step into Tiger’s Quest and experience the Grove of Dreams. That world with the various creatures, characters, and experiences was my favorite of the series. I like how Ms. Houck used this book to grow Kishan’s character. It was nice to see him move away from his initial withdrawn/bad-boy image to something more substantial. (Colette)
I would love to jump into Tiger’s Curse because all the places sound beautiful and awe-inspiring and you just meet the everyone for the first time in this book and even though everyone isnt together like in Voyage, they are together in a big event that Kelesy (or me since i would be jumping in) would be learning about and ita all amazing. Plus, I would go for all the romance even though its a little heartbreaking and quirky sometimes (Nicole B)
I would step into Tiger’s Curse because that is where the stage is set. You would get to witness Ren and Kelsey meeting each other and their first epic journey together. (Blakely D)
Congratulations, winners! Please check your email for an email from me.
Stay tuned for an exciting new contest for June!
This entry was posted in Contest Winners.
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