Tiger’s Quest Study Guide plus giveaway
June 20, 2016
June seventh marks the
book two in the Tiger’s Curse Series.
To celebrate we’ve put together a study guide with 20 questions to lead in a book club group discussion or you can answer them just for fun.
In honor of those of you who love to read and are part of a reading group, we’d also like to do a GIVEAWAY of autographed copies of Tiger’s Quest! That’s right, you can possibly have FREE BOOKS to giveaway at your next book club! Here’s how it will work:
In the comments below:
- Tell us about your reading group/book club (don’t have one? You can always start one!) such as how many are in your group, who started it, what books you’ve read, what you love about it, etc.
- Tell us why you think your reading group deserves free copies of Tiger’s Quest.
- Take a picture of your reading group and post on Facebook or Tweet it with #TigersQuest and tag Colleen Houck.
One (or more) book clubs/reading groups may be selected to receive up to TWELVE FREE BOOKS for your reading group members! Awesome right?
This giveaway will run up until the end of August so everyone has a chance to take a pic of your group when you meet.
Study Group Questions for Tiger’s Quest
1) Why do you believe Kelsey is so afraid of falling in love with Ren? She considers herself a radish. What does this mean? Do you think this is the real motive for her leaving?
2) The theme of the Tiger series is that true love requires sacrifice. What examples can you list from the book that shows this? What are some examples from your own life that proves this is true?
3) Do you believe Kelsey was meant to be with Ren or was she truly meant to be with Kishan? Why or why not?
4) What scene was the most pivotal for the book? How do you think the story would have changed had that scene not taken place?
5) What can the Divine Weaver’s Scarf do and how would you use it?
6) What does Ren get Kelsey for Christmas and why does it have special meaning?
7) What surprised you most about the book?
8) Do you relate to any of the characters and if so who?
9) How do you see the characters Ren, Kelsey and Kishan at the end of the book compared to the beginning?
10) How is this book similar to Gone with the Wind, Beauty and the Beast, Romeo and Juliet, Twilight, or Star Wars? Can you name other stories with similar ideas?
11) In Tiger’s Quest, Kelsey thought, “A life with Ren was harder to picture. We didn’t look as if we belonged together. It was like matching up Ken with Strawberry Shortcake. He needed Barbie.” How does Kelsey’s perception of self make you feel? Why do you think the author wrote this?
12) What message(s) can you learn from Kelsey’s character and actions?
13) How do you see the author’s voice in this book (i.e. optimistic, prophetic, cautionary, humorous, cathartic, etc.)? Is her voice the same in her other books?
14) How did you experience the book? Were you immediately drawn into the story–or did it take you a while? Did the book intrigue, amuse, disturb, alienate, irritate, or frighten you?
15) Do you find the characters convincing? Are they believable? Compelling? Are they fully developed as complex, emotional human beings–or are they one-dimensional?
16) Which characters do you particularly admire or dislike? What are their primary characteristics?
17) Is the story plot or character driven? In other words, do events unfold quickly? Or is more time spent developing characters’ inner lives? Does it make a difference to your enjoyment?
18) What are Kishan’s weaknesses and strengths?
19) Consider the ending. Did you expect it or were you surprised? Was it manipulative? Was it forced? Was it neatly wrapped up–too neatly? Or was the story unresolved, ending on an ambiguous note?
20) If you were to talk with the author, what would you want to know? (Many authors enjoy talking with book clubs. Contact the publisher to see if you can set up a phone chat.)
Have fun everyone and good luck!
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