The Egyptian Goddess Isis
July 14, 2017
Isis, one of the four children Geb and Nut (Sky and Earth) and a main character in Colleen’s new novella and companion to the Reawakened series. In Reignited you learn Colleen’s version of how Isis and Osiris fall in love and get married. Knowing their love was forbidden they ran away to a place where no one could stall their plans. Knowing they would have to confess to what they had done, they went before Amun-Ra to confess their joy. Their happiest day soon turned into tragedy at the hand of Set who saw Isis as his own trophy stolen by the god he detested the most, Osiris. Soon Orisis was lost to Isis and the god to blame had a plan to cause even more misery for Isis, the women he wanted compliant at his side.
When Set (or Seth in Reignited) killed Osiris he spread his body all over, chopped into 14 pieces. When Isis resurrected Osiris she had to gather up all the bits and pieces to remake Osiris. The tears that fell from Isis due to the loss of Osiris are said to have flooded the Nile river. Both the death and resurrection of Osiris were relived annual through rituals.
First worshiped in in ancient Egypt her popularity rose and was later worshiped in the Roman Empire and even in our modern day. Isis is best known as the Goddess of health, wisdom, and marriage. So her skills are still needed as the human race still pursues all three. She was idolized as a good mother and wife. She was also listening ear to the poor in life like sinners and slaves. Yet she still carved out time for the wealthy and rulers who had more of everything than most. As all mortals end their journey Isis watches over them and is the protector of the dead. In fact the two sister Isis and Nephthys were often depicted with wings outstretched to protect those in their coffins against evil.
The name Isis means “throne.” Her Headdress is a representation of a throne as well. Often she also depicted with an Ankh in her hand which resembles a cross but has a loop at the tip and is a symbol of life.

Ruins of Behbeit El Hagar in the Nile delta
Her two most important temples were at Behbeit El Hagar by the Nile and in Upper Egypt was Nectanebo.

Vestibule of the Temple of Isis at Philae
Family Drama
It doesn’t escape us that Osiris, Set, Nephthys, and Isis were all siblings. If there was a Housewives of Heliopolis it would be filled with drama and some uncomfortable moments. One of which is when Nephthys wanted a child that Set refused her. So Nephthys disguised herself as Isis and as a result of this deception came the birth of Anubis. Fearing that Set would kill Anubis, Nephthys asked Isis to adopt her son to protect him from Set’s wrath.
When Isis gave birth to Horus she fled to protect her son from Set. Isis escaped and protected her son until he was old enough to face Set. Horus became the pharaoh of Egypt.
Isis was powerful and intelligent. She tricked Ra into telling her his “secret name” that gave her power over Ra. She did this by holding the only antidote for a snake bite that Ra had received. Her spells were powerful and these secret names were central to those spells. She became one of the most powerful deities because of her magical skills. She used them to resurrect Osiris and protect her son Horus.
Isis: Roman Empire and the world
Isis was part of the Roman religion adopted from the old Egyptian religion. Some Roman leaders like Augustus wanted to restore the traditional Roman religion but those in power like emperor Caligula was fond of the Egyptian gods and goddesses. Wall paintings and object were even present in Pompeii that were preserved by the terrible eruption of Vesuvius. There were even followers in Spain, Germany, Britain, and many more.

Roman Isis statue
Isis is a good ally to have on your side. She is powerful, protective, and doesn’t shy away from a fight. If you haven’t had a chance to read Reignited it’s a good time to get a copy and run away to the Egyptian city if Heliopolis.
This entry was posted in Mythology, Reignited.
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