Yearly Archives: 2017
Reunited Blog Tour!
The Reunited blog tour is coming! Week One: 7/31/2017- YA Books Central– Interview 8/1/2017- Here’s to Happy Endings– Review 8/2/2017- YA and Wine– Guest Post 8/3/2017- a GREAT read– Review 8/4/2017- Two Chicks on Books– Interview Week Two: 8/7/2017- Tales of the Ravenous Reader–Review 8/8/2017- Ohana Reads– Guest Post 8/9/2017- Seeing Double In Neverland– Review 8/10/2017- The Cover Contessa– Interview 8/11/2017- Riddle’s Reviews– Review Join me as we gear up for the publication of Reunited! I hope you’re as excited as I am!
The Egyptian Goddess Isis
FAMILY Isis, one of the four children Geb and Nut (Sky and Earth) and a main character in Colleen’s new novella and companion to the Reawakened series. In Reignited you learn Colleen’s version of how Isis and Osiris fall in love and get married. Knowing their love was forbidden they ran away to a place where no one could stall their plans. Knowing they would have to confess to what they had done, they went before Amun-Ra to confess their joy. Their happiest day soon turned into tragedy at the hand of Set who saw Isis as his …
July Contest of the Month-REUNITED-Coming to book stores near you!
One more month, just one more month until the official release of REUNITED, the final book in the REAWAKENED saga! Happy 4th of July everyone! There is much to celebrate this summer. My latest book in the REAWAKENED series is being released AUGUST 8th! There will be a LAUNCH PARTY that night (see details below). I just finished a TOP SECRET book that may be published Fall of 2018! Watch for reveals in upcoming months. It’s a BIG one! I’ve received the mock up book cover designs for TIGER’S DREAM! It’s happening my tiger fans, Spring of 2018 can’t come soon enough! ~ Colleen …
The Modern Ink Society-Featuring Sarah Beth Durst!
Write What You Love by Sarah Beth Durst I want to tell you about my least favorite bit of writing advice: “Write what you know.” Bleck. No. Well… that is… not exactly. Okay, maybe there’s some truth to it, but here’s the sneaky little secret with that old chestnut: what you know at the start of writing a novel is entirely different from what you know at the end of it. By the end of it, you’ve written about what you know. It’s just you didn’t know it on page one. The act of writing is an …
When I first think of Unicorns I remember the movie titled “The Last Unicorn” released in 1982. I can still hear the song in my mind. If you haven’t seen the film I would suggest you take the time and watch the graceful kind unicorn run through the forest with her companion like the less than skilled magician, a brave knight, and a evil old unicorn hunter. Unicorns have not lost their magical pull on the young and old. We find them in modern movies like Harry Potter when Voldemort used the unicorns blood to stay alive. They are even …
Picture yourself READING Contest + BONUS contest ***Winner Announced***
The Winner Is Kimberly LeeMaster Here is her entry: This month we want to encourage cozy, engaging, inspirational, relaxing perusal of your favorite Colleen Houck book. This is a super simple, quick, and fun way to win some extra books for your upcoming summer vacation. Here are a few ideas. How to Win: Pick your favorite Colleen Houck book. Pick a place that has lots of light or get creative with the light. Make sure we can see which book you are reading by showing …
My Favorite Places to Read
Where do you read is a question best answered by when can you read. I read at night when all the kids are asleep. Some read on the beach on vacation, some read on their phone, others along the way to work each day on a train, plane, or tube. We all have different pockets of time which determine where we dive into our books. My favorite spot is all nestled into my bed sheltered by my quilts, down comforters, and stacks of pillows. I always have to have a pillow on my lap to hold the book as I …
Lions once lived in Africa, Asia, and southern Europe. Now they are mainly in the game reserves of Africa. Some can still be found in the Gir Forest of India but they are highly endangered. An adult male lion can weigh as much as 550 lbs and grow as long as 11 ft including the tail. Females are about 15-20% smaller and don’t have the beautiful mane the males have. They live in families called prides just like you see in the movie “The Lion King.” Only two mature male will be in one pride and they spend about …
Movie Poster Contest + BONUS Contest **Winner Announced**
The Winner is Natalie Arroyo This month we will be creating movie posters for the Reawakened Series. So many popular books are made into movies and we are still anxiously waiting for the Tiger’s Curse movie to start production. (Please start filming we want to see what Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan look like!) So why not help them along and make some movie posters? OLD MOVIE POSTERS FOR INSPIRATION Let’s take a walk down memory lane and check out some awesome posters made for earlier movies we may have seen. …
Ten Authors I’ve Met & Loved
During our lifetime we come to idolize those we hold in high esteem or those who make a change in our lives. Some of those people are authors for me. As a young child I didn’t feel overly intelligent but my mom would take us to the library often during the summer. I would read and reread the Dorrie the Witch books by Patricia Coombs. I can still remember the smell of those books and where they were located in the library. Jump forward 20 years and I’m laying on the couch with a white trash can waiting for …
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