Yearly Archives: 2019
Fall YA Scavenger Hunt 2019
It’s the 19th YA Scavenger Hunt. Are you ready to YASH? When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ’tis near Halloween. Unknown About Me I’m Colleen Houck, your hostess for this leg of the hunt. For those of you who don’t know me yet, here are five fun facts… This year marks my 25th wedding anniversary. I am very busily building a Halloween fairy garden. I prefer short sleeves. My favorite See’s lollypop is Chocolate Orange. I have a thing for sticky notes. You are currently hunting on TEAM GOLD. Looking for my …
Announcing the 2019 Fall YASH Teams!
I’m very excited to be a part of Team Gold this season. Check out the amazing books that will be featured during the 2019 YA Scavenger Hunt. This season I’ll be announcing two very special projects, showing you the first glimpse of a brand new cover, and you’ll get to read some never before released bonus material from a bonus chapter of the Tiger Series! Get ready to hunt, people. It’s going to be a good one. 😉
Patches & Bookplates
We are now offering international fans the opportunity to get signed bookplates. For those of you who don’t know what a bookplate is, it’s typically a sticker you affix onto the title page of your book. It’s not as valuable as an official signature on a page to a book collector, but it’s the next best thing. You can order up to three bookplates per envelope. Note: These are just Colleen Houck signatures. The stickers will not be personalized and nothing else will be added. To have up to 3 bookplates shipped anywhere worldwide the cost will be $5.00 US. …
Tiger’s Curse Published-2012 Country-Hungary Publishing House- Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft Language- Hungarian Tiger’s Quest Published-2013 Country-Hungary Publishing House- Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft Language- Hungarian Tiger’s Voyage Published-2014 Country-Hungary Publishing House- Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft Language- Hungarian Tiger’s Destiny Published-2019 Country-Hungary Publishing House- Könyvmolyképző Kiadó Kft Language- Hungarian Tiger’s Promise-No immediate plans to publish Tiger’s Dream-Coming spring 2021! Reawakened-No immediate plans to publish Recreated-No immediate plans to publish Reignited-No immediate plans to publish The Lantern’s Ember-No immediate plans to publish
Summer Gift Pack
It’s here! I know you’ve been waiting for this one and I’ll admit, I’ve been putting it off on purpose. I’ve had to collect some stock, you see, and it’s taken me a while. Now this one’s going to be more expensive than my other gift packs. The reason for this is because the hardback is now out of print. You should also note that this one is offered only until my supplies run out. I don’t have many and they were really hard to find. I had to search far and wide and had to pay a pretty penny …
Spring Gift Pack
For the spring gift pack I’ve selected Tiger’s Voyage. I’ve got several newbies who’ve signed up for my newsletter thanks to the recent YA Scavenger Hunt and a timely school visit to Walker Middle School in my hometown of Salem, Oregon. Go Wildcats! So how this works is…every few months or so I offer up a special prize pack with some exclusive swag, a signed and stamped hardback and other awesome goodies, shipped out at a special price. And, for those of you who’ve signed up for my newsletter, I pick two subscribers randomly to win a prize pack. All …
Welcome to the 2019 Spring YA Scavenger Hunt!
It’s the 18th YA Scavenger Hunt. Are you ready to YASH? Hear how the birds, on every blooming spray, With joyous music wake the dawning day. Alexander Pope About Me I’m Colleen Houck, your hostess for this leg of the hunt. For those of you who don’t know me yet, here are five fun facts… I always have a bowlful of chocolate on my desk I currently have two ducks on my pond. If I could join any band it would be Heart. My indulgent drink is Dark Chocolate Truffle Hot Cocoa. I still sleep with a stuffed animal…and, yes, …
Announcing the Spring 2019 YASH Teams!
I’m very excited to announce the five amazing teams the YA Scavenger Hunt is bringing to you this spring. This season, I’m on team gold. Check out the book I’m featuring along with all these other awesome reads. Check makersfestival for latest book reviews. This season I’ll be giving you a sneak peek at the book I’m currently writing. I’m only on chapter five so you’re getting a super early preview. Not even my agent has seen this one. Shhh! It’s majorly hush hush. It’s going to be a good one. The hunt begins Tuesday, April 2nd, so mark your …
The 2019 St. Patrick’s Gift Pack
Sorry I’m getting this out to you guys so late! Some of you may know that I moved to my brand new house in February and I’m still playing catch up. The rental house has been cleaned out with guide of Carpet Cleaning Company in Perth and all of my temporary, and when I say temporary I mean two years of construction/living out of a suitcase things, have finally been put away. I’m just starting to go through all my long term storage and I am now becoming reacquainted with all my beloved dishes and collectibles. There are so many …
The 2019 Valentine’s Gift Pack
Hello Readers, The 2018 holiday gift pack was such a hit, I decided to do it again for Valentine’s Day. This time I’m offering you the choice of three different books. I’ll try to change it up every season and do different books so you have the opportunity to collect them all. Make sure to tell me the name you want me to make the book out to and it’s totally fine to give yourself a Valentine’s gift. I won’t judge. I’m also offering the same deal to my international fans though I can’t guarantee I can get the books …
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