A TERRAFORMER Guessing Game!
May 9, 2020
TERRAFORMER: A Keyword Guessing Game
Do you love guessing games? Or coming up with new writing ideas? I know I do! For those of you who’d like a sneak peek into what’s going on in my new book, TERRAFORMER, you may want to check out this fun blog post. I’m selecting keywords from the book and arranging them in alphabetic order. You get to unscramble them and try to figure out what’s going to happen as a TERRAFORMER guessing game. You can also check Butterfly Releases for more updates. Check out these sci-fi A, B, C’s and have fun everyone!

The A, B, C List
- A-Alien, Aquasystem, Accelerate, Animals
- B-Breathe, Biophysicist, Beast, Bloom
- C-Contact, Computer, Crew, Colony, Cosmos
- D-Death, Doctor, Danger, DNA, Deadly
- E-Engineer, Exam, Exploit
- F-Flower, Float, Flourish
- G-Giant, Green, Genetics, Growth
- H-Heart, Hyperbaric, Horror
- I-Invasion, Imagine, Invention, Information
- J-Jumpsuit, Jealousy, Journey
- K-Kiss, Klaxon, Kill, Kit
- L-Leaf, Lion, Love, Leader
- M-Moon, Medicine, Mission
- N-Nature, Nightmares, Native, Network
- O-Organic, Others, Oxygen, Origin
- P-Planet, Pathogen, Passenger, Pod, Pollen
- Q-Quarantine, Questions, Queasy, Qualified
- R-Recycle, Rations, Report, Resources, Release
- S-Space, Star, Stasis, Serum, Specimen, Secrets
- T-Tree, Trainee, Test, Thermal, Toxin
- U-Understand, Uncle, Use, Universe
- V-Void, Voices, Vial, Vines, Vegetables, Vessel
- W-World, Wolf, Witnesses, Womb, Wild
- X-Expectation, Exhale, Examine, Explosion
- Y-Young, Youth
- Z-Zip, Zoo, Zoom, Zaius
Guessing Game: Create a Book Idea
There you have it. What do you think about the TERRAFORMER guessing game? Have any hunches? I’m curious to see what you think is going to happen. Try to string together a few sentences with those words to make a story premise. Here’s an example and it’s not at all what actually happens, by the way, but it will be fun to see what you come up with.
As a quarantine ship zooms through the cosmos, a star explodes, damaging the vessel and releasing the deadly toxins into the atmosphere of a nearby moon.
Young, native wolves and other animals who survive on the liquid pollens that surface on blooming vines are affected by the changes that take place in the plant’s DNA.
Soon all life on the moon morphs into one nightmarish network of beings, a flourishing colony with one heartbeat, one purpose.
They rise into the sky following their leader, the queen.
Their mission?
Colleen Houck
Want to Check out my Other A, B, C Book Lists?
- The A, B, C’s of The Lantern’s Ember
- The A, B, C’s of Tiger’s Dream
- Recreated A to Z
- Reignited A to Z
- Reawakened A to Z
This entry was posted in Terraformer, Writing Fun.
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